The Oakmont

The Oakmont

Chef: Anthony Felts

Welcome to The Oakmont — Mass Ave's favorite new bar!

Indy Monthly: "Chris Burton didn’t have a concept nailed down when he and partner Gus Vazquez lucked into a prime Mass Ave–adjacent location for The Oakmont. The spot previously housed brews-focused Krueger’s Tavern, but Burton had something a little more trendy in mind. “In one review, someone called it a ‘gastroclub’ instead of a gastropub,” he says. “I kind of like that.” A mashup of cocktail bar and bistro, The Oakmont opened in April, pairing brisket nachos and vegan Buddha bowls with wryly named drinks like Tequila Awakening or Panic @ the Pisco. Everything from the spiffy plating to the hedge wall’s “Normal is Boring” neon signage seems designed to star in the perfect Instagram shot."